Monday, January 05, 2015

Trash, Donate, Sell

Jared and I are going through a declutter phase. I was already going to try to throw away, donate, or sell 10 things each day for the month of January, but this weekend Jared jumped in and got rid of three trash bags full of junk and a huge stack of old school books. We also finally have the dresser cleaned off (thanks to the new filing cabinet we bought back this summer). And I organized and put away all my maternity clothes. Once we take the 4 bags of clothes, in the corner of our bedroom, to Salvation Army, our room will be so clean. 

I still have to go through the baby clothes and my clothes and get rid of about 25-35% of them. I have so much that I don't wear now that I don't work full time. I also didn't use half the newborn clothes this time around. So, I need to pare them down. 

Are you working on any projects right now? We put our Christmas tree away this weekend. It always makes me a bit sad. How long do you keeps yours up? 

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